AUSTRALIAN KODALY CERTIFICATE of Music Education (Years 1 and 2 completed) 2010
- A.MUS.A (Pianoforte) 1966
- MBBS University of Queensland 1973
- BMUS (Voice Major) University of Adelaide 1989
- BFA (Hons) (Ceramics Major) National Art School Sydney 2003
- MMUS (Vocal Pedagogy) University of Sydney 2010
AUSTRALIAN KODALY CERTIFICATE of Music Education (Years 1 and 2 completed) 2010
Southcott, I. E. (2008). Zooming in on the Problem! Exploring the Zoom H4 Recorder. Voice of Anats.21, 9.
Southcott, I. E. (2008). Zooming in on the Problem! Exploring the Zoom H4 Recorder. Voice of Anats.21, 9.